be afraid - do it anyway

I bought a two-piece bathing suit this weekend.

I saw it on the rack in all of its adorable-ness, and snatched it right up.

This would not have happened 4 months ago.

We all set goals at the beginning of every year, even if you're one of those who say you don't, there is always that one thing in the back of your mind that you want to accomplish or try, but if you said it out loud, you might actually have to do it.

Driving all of my goals this year was this concept: be afraid, do it anyway.

This doesn't have to look like skydiving, cage diving (though that would be FREAKING awesome), or jumping off a bridge (but if your friends are doing it, go for it...)

As for me, and some of my most brave friends, it looks like this -

  • getting my eyebrows threaded instead of waxed
  • trying weird food (and a juice that was actually horrendous) at a hippie dippy vegan restaurant
  • going to counseling for the first time
  • telling someone you need help
  • going on a rollercoaster  - even though you threw up last time
  • telling someone you love how they have hurt you
  • sharing your faith with someone
  • starting Couch to 5k
  • set boundaries 
    • stick to them
  • applying to college
  • wear a new hat
  • going a day without underwear
  • going to a new church
  • speaking up in class
  • texting that boy/girl first
  • eat out in public...alone
    • go to a movie alone 
  • going somewhere you don't want to go
  • staying somewhere you don't want to stay
  • connecting with someone who has a completely different belief system than you
  • taking a job you know you know you won't enjoy
  • taking the job of a lifetime
  • try a new lipstick
  • starting a conversation at a coffee shop with a complete stranger
  • connecting with an old friend
  • explore what you say you believe
  • getting 75% of your stomach cut out of your body (that one was alllllllll me)
  • breaking off a relationship (boyfriend, girlfriend, or a once really good friend)
  • sharing the gospel with your family
  • asking someone to go to lunch with you
  • visiting a place that brings back a flood of emotions
  • watch a scary movie
  • letting yourself feel emotions
  • voice your opinion on something you really care about
  • make a to-do list
  • cook
  • say "i'm sorry"
  • buying the dang bathing suit...
    • post a picture of you in it on instagram for the world to see (i still want to vomit)

I don't know what you're afraid of, but I am sure something in that list resonated with you. I started with getting my eyebrows threaded (and DANG it hurt!), but those few minutes of bravery lead to me being in a dressing room, with a 2 piece bathing suit that SHOWS MY STOMACH (like 2 inches but still!), and when I put it on, I knew it was mine.

For years I just stared at them, too afraid to even take it off the rack, and now it's mine and I will wear it proudly on the beach this summer!

Be afraid. Feel the weight of something scary. Feel your heart beat fasting, and your palms get sweaty. Work through the stuttering, hesitancies, and doubts. Tell your inner critic to "shut the heck up" and do something that scares you a little.

Because here's the thing, one moment you're looking at a woman named Rose telling her to take some thread and pluck out your eyebrows one-by-one, then you're going to see the Greatest Showman for the third time - alone, then you're texting your friend first, terrified that she won't text you back because she's too busy and you're not important enough, then you're face to face with a bathing suit you never would have picked up just a few months ago...

Be afraid, do it anyway, and write down all of your accomplishments. Big or small! 

From eyebrows to breakups to hard conversations - do it!



  1. Beautiful, Kaylee! My heart is bursting with love and pride (the good kind!)!


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